Meaningful Holiday Traditions to Incorporate

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Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice is celebrated by Wiccans and Celtic Pagans. The word solstice comes from the Greek phrase "standing still sun." It is a time to remember that darkness will go and eventually warmth will come. This holiday is celebrated on the shortest day of the year, typically December 21 or 22.

Some of the decorations for Winter Solstice are evergreen boughs, pinecones and berries. Mistletoe can be hung for good luck and Druidic holiday colors-red, green and white-often decorate the home. Some people also decorate Solstice trees with pagan symbols.

Some of the traditions that can be incorporated for Winter Solstice include:

Decorating the home with red, green and white, along with various herbs;

Giving gifts to children, which is a way to honor the strength of innocence;

Making wassail (a hot, spiced punch); and

Lighting a Yule log (large wooden log).