Are You Chasing Him and Don't Even Know It?

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 It Pays To Be Patient 

I know how frustrating it is to sit back and let a man take the lead. We want a man to know we're interested in him. We want to make it easy for him to ask us out again. We want to seem enthusiastic and easygoing. And often times this means we inadvertently chase him in the ways described above.  

It's true that men need validation as much as we do. But there's a difference between letting a man know you like him and actually chasing him. When you chase a man, you don't give him the chance to show you how he really feels about you. And the only way to really be sure of where his heart is at is by creating the space he needs to chase you. 

Lure Him, Don't Chase Him 

For a man to feel like he wants to get closer to you, he needs to feel good around you. And the way he feels good around you is when he pleases you. As long as you seem happy to see him and tell him how much you enjoy his company, a man will keep coming back for more. Stay in your feminine energy by being receptive and open to his attention. When he sees that you are a woman who is secure in herself and doesn't need to pursue him, he will be encouraged to step up his game so another man doesn't beat him to the chase.