3 Steps to Stop a Man from Withdrawing

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By Rori Raye, Author of best-selling eBook Have The Relationship You Want and free newsletter

When a man becomes distant, sometimes the way a woman communicates her feelings to him makes him want to withdraw even more. But if you know these three steps, you can turn this into an opportunity to connect with him and make him want to come even closer to you. 

It's finally happening: you met a man you're compatible with, you really like him, and the feeling is mutual. He's showering you with attention, making plans to see you, making time to call you, and generally letting you know that he's so happy to have found you. 

Then something happens. Out of the blue, he pulls back from you. Maybe he doesn't mention seeing you this weekend, or he gets off the phone a little earlier than usual. Or maybe he's not being as affectionate. You sense a shift in the way he is with you, and it doesn't feel good. In fact, it's downright scary.