Is Your Chemistry Meter Broken?

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By Rori Raye, Author of the best-selling eBook Have The Relationship You Want and free newsletter

Are you puzzled by a man you seemed to really click with...but then never heard from again? If you've ever been in this situation (and who hasn't?), Rori Raye will open your eyes as to why -- and teach you a much more effective way to gauge romantic potential. 

"But we had such amazing chemistry!" 

Have you ever found yourself saying this to a girlfriend after a man you really seemed to click with just...disappeared? It's such a common experience: you finally meet a man you connect with, you get your hopes up, and then poof, he's gone. 

If you've been unsuccessful in love, then you can assume your "chemistry meter" is broken. We don't need to get into the reasons why here (old childhood wounds, past heartbreak, etc); what we want to address is the now that you can do something about. So let's get ready to change things for you...