Think Fast! Diet-Friendly Drive-Thru Fare That Won't Derail Your Diet

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Making Wise Choices at the Drive-Thru 

Our first meal choices should always be simple, whole foods. Life gets in the way sometimes, though, and we can find ourselves in a pinch. If you find yourself swinging by a fast-food chain to add fuel to your tank, there are a few simple guidelines you can always follow to make better dietary choices. 

Want to get the most nutritional bang for your buck? Here are some tried-and-true tips. 

  • No bread – Order any burger or sandwich without the bun and cheese. This will give you a high-protein snack with fewer empty carbs. Doubling up on the lettuce, tomatoes and onions is a good idea, too.
  • Healthier sides – It may seem sacrilegious, but it really is OK to order a fast-food meal without fries. Many fast-food restaurants offer healthier side options, such as side salads, apple slices and oatmeal.
  • Light salads – Salads can be a great, diet-friendly drive-thru choice -- but only if ordered correctly. Try sticking to light dressings and grilled chicken and nix the “crispy” chicken, cheese and croutons.
  • Better beverages – Opt for water (always the best choice) or real fruit juice at the drive-thru. If you're really feeling a craving for soda, go with a diet version to avoid excess calories.