6 Common Female Problems Nobody Wants to Talk About

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Hair Loss 

Hair loss may not be a “female” problem per se, but it can be downright devastating, especially for women. A lot of folks tend to think it’s a male problem, but approximately 40 percent of people who suffer from hair loss are women, according to the American Hair Loss Association. 

When women start to notice a lot of hair shedding or thinning, particularly on top, they may try to disregard it at first. But as the problem grows worse and the hair loss become increasingly apparent, it can take a huge toll on your self-image and emotional wellbeing. 

If you suffer from hair loss, know that you are definitely not alone. There may be effective treatments to stop or slow it. 

Although you probably see your hairstylist more often than your doctor, he or she may be more likely to try to make you feel better about yourself than to hand down verification that you are, in fact, losing your hair. Try your dermatologist first, and if he or she thinks the problem is unrelated to his or her field, then get a referral to the appropriate doctor. In any case, don’t ask the person who relies on your tips to pay her bills!