6 Common Female Problems Nobody Wants to Talk About

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Vaginal Odor 

Every woman’s nether regions have a distinct smell. A slight odor is normal and shouldn’t make you feel self-conscious. However, if there is a strong odor or you notice a change in your normal smell, it could be a sign of infection. 

While no one really wants to discuss something as private as vaginal odor, it’s a necessary evil to rule out health problems. Rest assured, your gynecologist has heard it all, so there’s no shame in bringing this issue to the table. 

Being self-conscious about your smell could cause stumbling blocks in the bedroom, so suck it up, put on your big-girl panties and make it a point to talk to your doctor about it. Even though the cleaning method of douching has become a dirty word, some doctors have suggested douching once your period is finished for the month.