6 Common Female Problems Nobody Wants to Talk About

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Excessive Sweating

It’s one thing to be drenched in sweat while exercising or to glisten in the midst of a bedroom rumpus, but it’s quite another to consistently discover sweat marks on your clothes at the office or in important social situations. Pit stains, a wet backside and a sweaty handshake are downright embarrassing. However, sweat is actually a good thing; it is the body’s method of cooling itself down, and it helps us gauge normal body function. 

It’s common to sweat: 

  • during physical exertion;
  • in stressful situations; and
  • during periods of hormonal changes. 

Keeping the area dry and using antiperspirants doesn’t quite cut it for some women. Run the situation by your doctor. A physician can try to rule out any conditions that might cause excessive sweating. 

If your doctor determines that the sweat problem needs professional attention, then he or she may offer treatments such as: 

  • prescription antiperspirants;
  • anticholinergic medications; or
  • Botox injections.