7 Ways To Look & Feel Your Best This Summer

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6. De-clutter Your World

Clutter creates stress. Stress creates anxiety and makes it difficult for you to unload those things (including the unwanted pounds) that you want to get rid of.

Clear spaces allow your energy to move freely. This also frees up your focus and intention. Clear out your emotional, mental and physical clutter so you can bring better health into your life.

7. Play

We've become so serious in life with everything we "have to do," that sometimes we forget life is a game meant to be played. We spend our time as young children trying to act and be older. We spend our time as adults trying to remember what it's like to have the imagination and sense of curiosity we did as a child.

Laughter and fun brings joy into your world and lightens your spirit. Put 5% of your income aside every month and spend it on YOU. Yes, spend it all on yourself...every month or at the very minimum every quarter.

You are not going to get out of this life alive; you may as well have fun while you are here.