Are You Doing Permanent Damage to Your Hair?

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Traction Alopecia

Hair loss resulting from stress placed upon the scalp, like that caused by wearing very tight hairstyles, is called “traction alopecia,” and is usually a preventable form of hair loss and damage.

It turns out that repeatedly pulling your hair beyond its normal stress limit damages not only the growing hair, but the hair follicle itself. This can be caused by hair pulling disorders (a serious psychological problem), but more often it’s caused by over-tight ponytail or cornrow hair styles.

Proceed to Stop Receding

When it comes to hair care, its good news / bad news.

The good news is that visible damage to your hair is often temporary, and caused by chemical or heat damage and physical stress (like brushing when wet or brushing too much or too hard).

One of the easiest preventable permanent hair loss risk factor to control is the tightness of your hair style. Virtually every other form of damage to the hair itself will grow out or grow back as long as the scalp and follicles underneath the hair are healthy. If you damage the follicle by pulling on it too hard, and for too long, the hair may not grow back.