5 All-Natural Ways to Banish That Blemish

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We all hope that when we turn 20, we’re done with pimples. For most of us, though, this is just a pipe-dream. No matter how much most of us hope, pimples are never quite done with us.

Acne vulgaris, a skin condition characterized by the formation of pimples, is a fact of life for everyone. Symptoms range from just a blackhead on the nose now and then to full-blown acne cysts all over the body. A pimple is an area of inflamed skin surrounding a blocked pore or hair follicle - the blockage causes bacteria to get trapped under the skin, and the body responds to the bacteria like it would for any other germs, causing swelling and whiteheads or blackheads.[relatedarticles}

Some of the best treatments for acne are preventative:

  • drink plenty of water;
  • eat a balanced diet full of fruits and veggies;
  • get plenty of rest;
  • wash your face daily with mild soap and water;
  • do not touch your face (or other problem areas) unnecessarily; and
  • avoid tight clothing (like hats), which can block pores and lead to breakouts.