Weird Beauty Treatments: Do They Work?

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Don't be sour on your haircolor - if you need a new, lighter color, then try lemons. The acid in lemon juice definitely will lighten your hue when you allow the UV rays of the sun to hit it. For your face, think outside your mouth when it comes to toothpaste - that old wives' tale about it drying up zits is true. But it should be plain white toothpaste - not a gel - applied to the spot only to dry it out overnight. Can taking tea help sunburn's pain? It sure can - used teabags or a whole lot of black teabags steeped in a cool bath will pull the sting out of your skin due to its antioxidant properties. And the same stuff that shrinks swelling, um, down south is great for puffy eyes, too. That's right - hemorrhoid cream works to shrink those unsightly bags. So the next time you hear about one of those strange treatments, give it a try. It just might work.