Is Fashion Making You Sick?

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It's a well-known fact that women suffer for beauty, but there may be a few hidden dangers in the clothing and other baubles you sport on your body. For example, take a look at your ears. That fabulous costume jewelry you sport may be causing a rash due to its nickel content. People with sensitive skin or metal allergies may notice itchiness or redness at the site of jewelry, jeans buttons and bra clasps. The good news is that a little 1 percent hydrocortisone cream can calm flare-ups, and you can prevent it by looking for jewelry that's made of surgical stainless steel or platinum. If it's a clasp or button, then a good trick is to cover the metal with clear nail polish. Suffering from breakouts around your chest and shoulders? Check your purse. Oversize purses and totes may have straps that rub you the wrong way, particularly if you wear a lot of shirts and blouses with synthetic materials, which may not allow skin to breathe properly.