Leading Causes of Damaged Hair

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Those lovely locks can be hair today, gone tomorrow if you don't take proper care. There are plenty of ways to tell if your hair is in tip-top shape. For starters, it will look dull and lifeless. Oftentimes, it's dry to the touch, weak, difficult to style and usually tangles easily. Split ends are also a good indication that your hair has been subjected to some serious wear and tear. With healthy hair, the appearance is smooth, strong and shiny. It's not difficult to get to the root of damaged hair. Causes include excessive brushing and tearing, especially when hair is wet. That's when your tresses are most vulnerable. Experts suggest using a wide-toothed comb when brushing wet hair. Hair clips and pins are also guilty of contributing to hair damage. These accessories often pull hair too tight and cause it to break. Rubber bands are also common offenders. When you want to pull your hair back, invest in scrunchies, clips or combs with rubber padding.