Home Remedies for Stinky Closets

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As you clear out beach bags, cover-ups and short sleeves to make room for hobos, pullovers and boots, you may run into some less-than-fresh odors in your closet. And what about those sweaters and cozy clothes that have been in storage for the past several months? If you've got some nasty odors that need taking care of, use this guide to a fresher closet. Those sweaters may be a little musty after sitting in the garage, under the bed or wherever it is you keep them, so kill the odors without having to launder them by spritzing on a little vodka. That's right - the martini staple can kill germs but won't leave a scent behind. Be sure to test for colorfastness before spraying the whole garment, and hang to dry. Prep your summer shoes before you store them to prevent musty odors from building up between seasons by being sure the soles and other surfaces are clean, then stuffing the insides with newspaper. Do the same with your winter shoes as you transfer them into your closet.