Give Fall Shoes the Boot

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The boot -- tall, short, ankle and everything in between -- is as much a part of fall and winter as football and tailgating. They're warm, stylish and versatile, so what are the hottest looks this season? Many of the themes of spring and summer are carrying over -- the military look and studs give boots and booties an edge. Try grommets, metal studs, and leather and suede colors like olive green --a huge fall color, grey, khaki and chocolate brown. Another detail not to pass up are laces. Hiking boot styles are hot, and they lace up well above the ankle in many cases. Laces offer a more customized fit when you can tie and untie them to fit your ankle and leg better. Be sure your laced boots actually do lace if you want that adjustability - many simply have the look of laces, not ones that actually function.