High Blood Pressure: Is Your Child At Risk?

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For an accurate blood pressure measurement, it is important that your child is at rest or relaxed at the time of the BP checkup. If he or she tends to be stressed around doctors or in clinics, it would be better to have the BP reading at school or at home.

Tipping the Balance in Your Child's Favor

Early identification of HBP in children means early treatment. Managing HBP in young people can keep them healthy now and healthier as they grow up.

The following are measures you should take to prevent HBP in your children or to ensure its early detection and treatment.

  • Find out if your family has a history of hypertension

If the answer is yes, there is a high possibility that you and your children will develop HBP in the future. Your goal is to delay or prevent this as long as possible. As a preventive measure, start them off with good habits such as keeping to a healthy diet and doing regular exercise. Be sure to consult a physician.

  • Ensure that your kids consume less calories, fats, and salt