High Blood Pressure: Is Your Child At Risk?

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The risk in children is serious enough that the 2004 US guidelines from the American Society of Hypertension recommended BP screening for children to start at age 3.

Surprisingly, HBP rarely causes any symptoms. However, if left unrecognized and untreated over the years, it can be a serious condition and can lead to heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.

Despite the lack of symptoms, there are certain conditions that increase the chance of your child having or developing HBP:

  • overweight/obesity
  • abnormal amounts of cholesterol in the blood
  • family history of heart attack before age 55
  • types 1 and 2 diabetes
  • chronic kidney disease

BP Screening in Children

Because of the absence or lack of symptoms, HBP can be easily overlooked, more so in children. You as a parent should take the initiative when you next take your child to the clinic. Have your child routinely checked up for HBP. Every clinic and most pharmacies can do this.