Take Yourself on a Date

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 Two: You can take your time: The greatest thing about dates with yourself is that you can take your sweet time. There is no agenda. No one is rushing you to be somewhere. You can have a plan or you can just relax and fly by the seat of your pants on your date. It is ok to slow things down and enjoy the smaller pleasures of life.

Three: Independence: To be able to feel self-satisfied on your own is important to your sense of self-worth and independence. To be able to go out in public and have yourself a little date shows a level of self-comfort and satisfaction. It is important for you to remember that you are more than ok all on your own. A certain amount of time alone is exciting, relieving and nurturing to your soul.

Four: It makes you more interesting: People who can never a make a decision on a date or who always speak in “we” terms can annoy the other because there is no Self there. When you spend a certain amount of time alone it keeps you on your toes in developing your own opinions, preferences and memories. Knowing what you want is sexy because it makes you interesting.

Five: Get over your fear of being alone: The more you practice entertaining, nurturing and dating yourself, you learn more about what you want in a partner. If you are in a relationship, likewise, it is always great to reconnect with yourself and to give to yourself all the things that maybe you feel you are missing in your partner. It is about being whole all unto yourself. It is attractive to be someone who is OK being alone. When you date yourself you are not alone anyway. You are not by yourself you are with yourself.