Spouseless and the Holidays

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One of the worst scenarios during the holidays is to have lost a spouse and face being alone. As a widower I have firsthand experience with this topic. I now understand that I needed to experience such a loss to know how important the ability to love is to life. Not only did I lose my beloved partner, but I also lost my fourteen-year-old Schnauzer several months later, leaving me to celebrate the holidays alone in an empty house. In the months to follow I discovered my voice and created a casual luxury brand that represents my lifestyle, home and garden.

I have an amazing life now, all rising from the ashes of grieving. Here's my wisdom and personal insight for those who are in search of divine inspiration to help cope this holiday season:

1.First and foremost, know that you are not alone and that there are people who love you and who want to help you, both in emotional support as well as daily chores. This is not a time to reject those individuals that come to help, lend a hand or offer a shoulder on which to cry. Family is great, but sometimes close friends can have a more powerful impact on our recovery. Don't feel guilty about this. For me, my friends are my extended family and they were able to support and help me in ways that my family could not.