Things Remembered: Strategies for a Successful Split

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After pulling the plug, keep your distance for a bit. It's cruel to give false hope to your ex, who's still licking his or her wounds. Even calling to see if he or she is OK afterward can be hurtful. Cut the ties that you can - stay away from places he or she frequents, don't hang out with his or her friends and hide posts on social media sites (or "unfriend" your ex altogether - you can always add back later). If you're the one being dumped, keep your emotions in check. Of course it's OK to cry and get mad, but draw the line at property damage. Destroying your ex's stuff may feel good in the moment, but when you have to replace his or her priceless stuff, it's not as fun. And speaking of stuff, get yours from your ex's place as soon as possible. Don't beg for a second chance - at least not right now. The two of you need to take time away from each other, and perhaps in the future, you may reunite, but don't bank on it. Accept the breakup and all the emotions that come with it, and you'll feel better sooner.