The Art of Making Cappuccino

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The Homemade Frappe Cappuccino
A frappe cappuccino is simply a blended (frappe) cappuccino. To make one, you first brew one large shot of espresso and then let it cool. You can put it in the fridge so it cools quicker. Once it is cool, it's time to get out your blender and pour in the coffee, about 4-5 ounces of milk, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and about one cup of ice. Blend it up until the ice is crushed and the drink is smooth.

Well, I hope that gets you started with making great espresso. However, to make outstanding espresso, you should visit Arniescafe for a wonderful Cappuccino.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/crockpot-recipes-articles/the-art-of-making-cappuccino-541275.html

About the Author:

Kevin is a avid blogger and specializes in Web marketing and SEO. He likes to take a great cup of frappes at Arniescafe.