The Art of Making Cappuccino

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The Basic Cappuccino

The basic cappuccino is a 6-9 ounce beverage. It is composed of about 2-3 ounces of espresso coffee, 2-3 ounces of steamed milk and 2-3 ounces of frothed milk. Powdered cocoa or cinnamon is usually sprinkled on the top to give it that special touch.

Here are some tips and tricks to take your cappuccino to the next level of deliciousness.

Pour the brewed espresso into a stainless steel pitcher as ceramic or glass cups absorb too much of the heat. The temperature of the espresso actually makes a big difference in taste and the best machines even allow you to regulate the temperature of the coffee as it's brewing.
In order to properly layer the cappuccino, you should let the milk rest a moment so the foam and milk can separate. To prepare your beverage, use a demitasse cup so you can keep the proportions correct. First pour the steamed milk into the cup until it fills about one third (2-3 ounces of milk). Then slowly pour the espresso into the steamed milk. Finally, spoon the froth in to fill the last few ounces of space. When this is done correctly, the espresso should settle between the milk and the foam.
Generally speaking, the frothed milk should be between about 150 and 170 degrees. To make the frothing easier, you should buy an espresso maker that has a frothing adaptor rather than a wand.