Seasonal Fall Foods Can Add Variety to Simple Meals

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Soups and stews are traditional comfort foods and, as the days get shorter and more filled with activity - the kids getting back to school and sports activities top the list -- are easy to prepare. With beans, meats and vegetables, it's easy to create soups, stews and chili using fresh, seasonal fall foods. By adding peppers and southwestern spices, a soup, stew or chili can take on a Tex-Mex flavor; with peanuts and curry spices, you'll find that you're able to create Asian flavors and to explore cuisines from far off places.

On the other hand, if you don't feel quite so adventurous - or if younger members of the family are pickier eaters and you don't want to venture out into more exotic cuisines -- fresh eggplant, also a fall seasonal food, can be used to create a basic Italian meal that everyone in the family will love.

Simply put, it's possible to do a great deal to create a menu that your whole family will appreciate using seasonal fall foods - even if they are only a part of your menu planning. As fruits and vegetables come into season, you will find that it's easy to incorporate them into meals throughout the day and to find simple recipes that will take little effort to prepare.