Holy Guacamole: Put Avocados to Good Use

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After your delicious breakfast, you will need to get ready for the day. If you happen to have even more avocados on hand then you can make your very own hair mask with all-natural ingredients. No chemicals; only the vitamin-packed avocado is needed to give you shiny, healthy hair.

Homemade Avocado Hair Mask

(Adapted from hairstylecity.com)

Take one ripe avocado, slit it vertically up the side and remove the pit. An easy way to remove the pit is to grab a heavy-handled (i.e. large) knife and bring it down swiftly on the pit.

It should lodge about halfway in. Once you've secured the pit with the knife, just twist it back-and-forth and it should loosen, coming out easily, stuck to the knife.

After you have successfully removed the pit, you can easily scoop out the avocado meat with a spoon. In a bowl, mash the avocado with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix together until it makes a creamy consistency.