Why Am I Tired?

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  1. Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs - One sneaky culprit of fatigue can be side effects from prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Antihistamines, beta blockers, certain antidepressants and blood pressure medications are notorious for their sleepy side effects. People react differently to medication, so even if something is marked "non-drowsy," it could still make you tired. For prescriptions that you must take, talk with your physician and pharmacist about alternatives. For over-the-counter drugs, try a different brand or formulation to see if the effects let up. Always consult your healthcare provider before switching or stopping medication.
  1. Vitamin D Deficiency - Since the recent uptick in cases of skin cancer, people are avoiding the sun like the plague, and as a result are damaging their vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is made in the body during exposure to sunlight, and low levels can cause not only fatigue, but also symptoms like chest pain and high blood pressure. If you just can't find a few minutes a day to catch a few rays, or you live in particularly cloudy region you can boost your D levels with increased intake of fish and eggs and a supplement that contains at least 800 IU of vitamin D.