Warning! 6 Ways to Prevent Pulmonary Embolism

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Travel with Care 

Put your best foot forward. Even the most mundane movements can prevent those clots from forming. Exercise your leg muscles, especially while on long car trips and airline flights. The more you move, the better the circulation. The better the circulation, the less chance of any clots forming that may travel to the lungs. 

Regardless of what you do for fitness, it's important to prevent clots by moving around in situations when you ordinarily cannot. Traveling by plane or car means being virtually immobile for hours at a time. Take frequent breaks to walk and drink plenty of fluids during and after the trip. If the doctor believes there's a heightened risk of clots, then he or she may recommend preventive medication for the trip. 

Wear the Right Socks 

It's true. The wrong kind of socks can mean the difference between life and death. Any kind of pressure put on the circulatory system can cause problems. When blood can't circulate, there's an increased risk of clotting. Thankfully, "elastic compression" stockings can actually assist in the process. 

A sleeve-like garment worn on the legs during any activity can ensure that the legs are compressed regularly to keep the blood flowing. A doctor or surgeon may prescribe compression garments during and after surgery.