Warning! 6 Ways to Prevent Pulmonary Embolism

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Take a Crack at Cardio

If you have a history of embolisms, keep those wheels turning. Prevent future incidents by constantly moving around after waking up from bed. Be active. 

You might be a bit self-conscious about putting yourself out there in the gym, but did you know that exercise is essential for proper blood flow? Regular daily movement is essential, but the day-to-day doings won't necessarily cut the mustard. It's important to engage in activities that raise the heart rate. Whether it's Zumba, Spinning or Silver Sneakers classes, pump up the volume. 

If the gym leaves you feeling self-conscious, step it up in the comfort of your own home. Get a Nintendo Wii, the Zumba video game and the floor board, and dance to your heart's content in private. 

Another activity you'll love? Tennis or racquetball. Hit the courts as a way to keep the blood flowing. If sports aren't your thing, power walk or jog. Like Nike says, just do it – whatever "it" may be. Be sure to consult with your physician before starting a new exercise regimen.