How to Treat Severe Lactose Intolerance

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Getting Enough Calcium 

Some people with lactose intolerance are able to drink enough milk to get adequate nutrition. But if you're not one of these people, there are still things you can do to increase your calcium consumption. 

One way to get more calcium without relying on milk products is through other foods. Foods high in calcium include some vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach. Other foods are sardines, nuts, tofu and foods fortified with calcium. The other way is to use a high-quality calcium supplement, which you should discuss with your doctor. 

Doctors may recommend keeping dairy products as part of your dietary regimen, but perhaps in lower levels than others without lactose intolerance. The American Academy of Pediatrics even changed its guidelines in 2006, supporting dairy as a source of calcium for children with lactose intolerance. Patients may tolerate some level of lactose consumption, which can vary from one patient to the next.