How to Treat Severe Lactose Intolerance

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Another option is simply to manage your lactose intolerance by monitoring it closely. Keep track of what and when you eat and how much you eat. Note how it makes you feel. Over time, you'll learn exactly how much you can have without having to pay the price. Find the amount of dairy that is comfortable for you and stick with it. Start with small amounts and work up to the maximum amount that your body can handle without experiencing the negative side effects. 

Other Foods That Contain Lactose 

If you have a severe reaction after consuming lactose, you need to be aware that there are plenty of foods, outside of milk products, that also contain lactose and could cause digestive problems. 

The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) lists many foods to watch out for that may contain hidden lactose: 

  • cereal (even without added milk);
  • instant potatoes or soup;
  • candy;
  • salad dressings;
  • processed, frozen meals; and
  • hot dogs and other processed meats. 

Be savvy about reading labels carefully. Look for words like whey, curds and milk byproducts that also indicate the product contains lactose and could be problematic.