Could You Have Crohn's Disease?

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Signs of Crohn's Disease 

What you may think is just indigestion or "tummy troubles" could be signs of a more serious condition like Crohn's. 

GI tract inflammation at any point may cause symptoms like: 

  • diarrhea;
  • painful abdominal cramps;
  • constipation;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • urgent bowel movements; and
  • incomplete evacuation. 

There are other general symptoms associated with Crohn's disease according to the CCFA, such as fever, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue and appetite loss. Women may experience unexplained interruptions in their normal menstrual cycles. 

The symptoms of Crohn's disease vary in severity and duration. Some people experience months of symptoms and then feel perfectly normal for years. However, once Crohn's disease develops, sufferers are always at risk for a relapse.