7 Common Sex Problems

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Many people – particularly women – have a negative body image. If you don't feel good about your body and exude confidence, your partner will notice, and it can dampen your whole sexual experience. O, The Oprah Magazine reports, "…shame and anxiety about one's body lead to the avoidance of physical closeness and reduced sexual satisfaction." 

If you're worried about him seeing the cellulite on your thighs, how can you possibly focus on your or his pleasure? You can't. Nix the negative self-talk. Learn to start looking at other standards of beauty and focus on the features that you do like. Sexy is as sexy does. 

Erectile Dysfunction

It might be an uncomfortable topic for guys, but ED is a fairly common condition among men. The good news? It's relatively easy to manage. Nearly half of men report some degree of erectile dysfunction, according to a 2008 study by researchers in the Department of Urology at Weill Cornell College of Medicine. 

Untreated ED can greatly affect sexual health and overall wellbeing. Researchers found "an association existed between satisfaction with erection hardness and satisfaction with sex life, love and romance, and overall health."