7 Common Sex Problems

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Sex life getting a little less...sexy? Many people experience a lackluster sex life at some point. It's not always like the steamy images we see on screen. Although it's unrealistic to expect a "9 ½ Weeks" level of intimacy behind closed doors, there should be a happy medium for most couples. 

Sex is a significant aspect of a relationship; unresolved sex problems, if left unaddressed, can cause a major divide in a relationship. Anyone who has ever experienced a subpar sex life can identify with the following adage, "If the sex is great, it's only 10 percent of the relationship equation. If it's awful, it's 100 percent." 

There are numerous factors in play when it comes to sexual health, from emotional intimacy issues to physical complications. Sometimes a perfect storm of factors can dull the afternoon – or evening -- delight. Being exhausted after a full workday and dealing with kids and chores, not to mention a partner with less-than-stellar erections, to name a few sexytime stumbling blocks, can make it tempting to sleep it off, rather than address problems head-on.