Snack Healthy - The Sweet Tooth Edition

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  1. Banana Chips dipped in Dark Chocolate: Bananas are packed with Vitamin A, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients, and they’re a great source of slow-release carbs to keep you feeling energized for longer. Dark chocolate is one of the best and tastiest sources of antioxidants a person can have if it’s at least 70% cocoa.
  2. Fruit and Yogurt Parfait: Make your own at home! Use the fruits and yogurts you like most, and add some of your favorite nuts (especially almonds and walnuts) while you’re at it! The vitamins and minerals in fruits and nuts are great for you, the yogurt is loaded with vitamins and calcium and studies have shown that yogurt can help reduce belly fat!
  3. Low-fat Chocolate Milk: This one is simple - it’s got chocolate! The milk is full of calcium and vitamins and will help fill you up. As long as it’s low-fat you don’t need to feel too guilty about it!
  4. Baked Apples: Craving apple pie? Ditch the crust and just bake ½ an apple for a few minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg and grate some nuts on top after you pull it out of the oven!
  5. Pudding: one fat free pudding cup filled with fruit or sliced nuts (or both) can be a great snack. The luxurious pudding will help you mentally feel satisfied and fruit and nuts will boost the health factor!