TV's Hottest Skin Doc Spills Anti-Aging Secrets

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Dr. Kirby also advises his patients to avoid steroids on the face at all costs. Unless recommended by your dermatologist, he issues a stern warning to bypass the some 1,000 steroids on the market that will do more harm than good. While they may temporarily cure the problem at hand, once you stop use, they can cause a rebound effect.

Although Dr. Kirby has plenty to say about the anti-aging process, he also recommends that people heed hi s advice when it comes to tattoos. As one of the leading purveyors of tattoo removal, Dr. Kirby's Dr. Tattoff facilities remove at least 1,000 tattoos a month.

Now more than ever, people are flocking to the good doctor to erase the error of their ways. Even if you're still poised to make things permanent, choose wisely.

"One of the beautiful trends we're starting to see with tattoos, particularly from women who in the '80s and early '90s who thought tattoos were delicate, feminine, edgy and cute, are now being associated with not-so-positive terms. About 70 percent of all of my patients are women.

"People have regrets. Use some common sense. If you're gonna get your lover's name, you're looking to jinx the relationship. I remove a ton of ex-lovers' names. It's the kiss of death."

For more information, visit Dr. Kirby online at KirbyDermaceuticals.com or Dr.Tatoff.com.