TV's Hottest Skin Doc Spills Anti-Aging Secrets

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A board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Kirby practices in Los Angeles where he specializes in clinical and cosmetic dermatology. In his private practice, he covers everything from skin cancer surgery to Botox to age spot removal. Although he does his fair share of cosmetic procedures to help patients restore a flaw-free face, he maintains that people can actually take the anti-aging process into their own hands.

In this MyDailyMoment exclusive, Dr. Kirby is determined to save face... your face. The celebrity dermatologist wants to set the record straight about what it really takes to look younger. For starters, anybody who promises overnight results is full of it, according to Dr. Kirby. While many people would have you believe you can start altering your appearance in 10 days, 10 hours or even 10 minutes, the reality is more like two months.

Even processes like Botox or Restylane take time, he says.