The UltraSimple Diet: Shed 10 lbs in 7 Days

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Dr. Mark Hyman

Fight Inflammation, Battle Toxicity

The UltraSimple Diet is based on two key factors - fighting inflammation and battling toxicity, two conditions that make people sick and fat. People are generally unaware that triggers of inflammation include eating too much sugar, consuming excess doses of unhealthy oils and fats, hidden food allergens, lack of exercise, stress, and infections.

Dr. Hyman's philosophy is that by reducing inflammation, patients not only combat chronic illness, but also experience significant weight loss as a side effect... and all in a matter of seven days. To put his theory to the test, Dr. Hyman has more than scientific research under his belt -- he also has more than 150 case studies, which all support his findings.

"In one week we did a test of the diet with an online community," Dr. Hyman says. "We had people try The UltraSimple Diet for one week. In seven days people had a reduction of overall chronic symptoms they had. We had before-and-after questions that showed a reduction of symptoms, including headaches, joint pain, insomnia, fatigue and more.

"The reduction was 51 percent, and a side effect was that people lost five pounds on average. Some people lost more; some people lost less. It was a very powerful experience. For so many people it had a profound effect. It's a comprehensive approach to all underlying causes of obesity and disease."

Foods That Are Hazardous to Your Health

Most people struggle for months to shed those extra pounds, but with the UltraSimple Diet, it's, well, simple. There are no overwhelming calculations, no calorie or carb counting, and no need for an overabundance in physical activity. In fact, Dr. Hyman doesn't introduce moderate exercise until after the first week, and even then it's as basic as integrating a walking program into your daily routine.