From Belly Fat to Belly Flat: Find the Missing Link

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Why do hormones hit the belly area so hard?
The body produces three sex hormones - estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. As you age, the production shifts. Progesterone is the first hormone that begins to decline. It declines more rapidly than estrogen levels, which is why we have estrogen dominance. Medical studies show that the presence of estrogen predisposes the body to hold onto fat around the hips, buttocks and stomach. In turn, the fat cells in the area produce more estrogen. That's when you get caught up in a vicious cycle.

How long does it take to start seeing results?
It's usually two to three weeks before people notice a change. Expect to lose eight to 12 pounds and 3 to 5 inches in the first month.

What can people expect from the plan as far as what they'll be eating?
The diet itself is a variation of the Mediterranean diet, which many physicians have given the gold stamp of approval. It emphasizes foods meant to reduce your estrogen load. I have patients who have gone on the plan individually but served their spouse the same foods they're eating, and their partners didn't even realize they were on a diet.

Where can people find the progesterone cream?
We offer a cream called the Natural Balance Cream that's offered on our Web site, www.HormoneWell.com. It was developed and approved by Dr. Randolph. We also review and approve a dozen other progesterone creams that have been tested for safety and efficacy.

To learn more about From Belly Fat to Belly Flat, visit the Hormone Well Web site and take the free hormone quiz to find out if you're estrogen dominant.