From Belly Fat to Belly Flat: Find the Missing Link

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How would you describe the plan?
The book is much more than another diet book. From Belly Fat to Belly Flat is a life solution for getting off those last pounds -- whether it's 10 pounds, 30 pounds or 40 pounds -- and keeping them off forever. It addresses the underlying hormone issue that causes people to pack on pounds around their middle. It's the weight that sabotages your efforts, no matter how you eat or what exercises you do.

Who is this book for?
For women, hormone imbalances begin in their late 20s or early 30s. That's when it really starts. Your hormones start to change, and specifically, progesterone levels begin to decline. The result is a condition medically termed "estrogen dominance." For men, it happens in their late 30s to early 40s.

What are the signs of hormonal imbalances that people should be aware of?
Most people tend to think of hot flashes and night sweats as symptoms that affect a 50-year-old woman going through the change of life. However, even young women in their 20s can have hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, irritability, depression, headaches, bloating and what we call "brain fog." Sometimes their memory isn't so good. They have low libido, fatigue and weight gain. Those are some of the main symptoms of estrogen dominance.

How do you combat estrogen dominance?
You have to balance that estrogen dominance with bio-identical progesterone. Bio-identical means that the molecular structure of the hormone IS EXACTLY THE SAME as the hormone produced by the ovaries or the testes. Bio-identical progesterone is formulated in a laboratory by modifying the molecular structure of Mexican wild yam or soy. Bio-identical progesterone is most effective when applied transdermally -- to the skin. You apply a cream to your skin - the inner arms, chest, breasts and neck -- and use this cream twice daily. If you're not able to produce enough progesterone, your estrogen is higher than your progesterone, making you estrogen-dominant. Because of this, no matter how much you exercise or diet, you can't lose weight.

How does your program work?
It's a medically proven, three-step program that starts with restoring your optimal hormone equilibrium via bioidentical hormone replacement, which is the cream. The second piece is addressing the extra estrogen load through food and supplements. We define a group of belly-blaster foods -- cruciferous veggies like kale, greens, broccoli, cauliflower, as well as citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and limes. The plan also calls for insoluble fiber such as whole grains, whole oats and lignans, such as flaxseed and sesame seeds. The belly-blaster foods either help estrogen metabolize in healthy way in the body or eliminate extra estrogen through the bowels. There are also supplements. The third step is a lifestyle change to support optimal hormone balance. Stress and lack of sleep do a number on hormones and really set you up to add pounds around your middle.