Workout Clothes: What Not To Wear

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Choosing the proper fitness attire is important for both comfort and safety. Whether you prefer loose t-shirts and shorts or tighter tees and spandex, make sure it feels good to you and that it's appropriate for the activity you are doing. The most important thing to remember when dressing for fitness is comfort.

From head to toe, dressing to protect your body from overheating and the elements is integral to your exercise program's success. As cooler weather approaches, it's time to start thinking about layering moisture-wicking materials, which pulls sweat away from the body and allows it to evaporate more quickly. Your first layer, called the inner layer, should comprise silk or a synthetic material, like polyester or microfiber. Cotton isn't a good choice because it traps moisture. The mid-layer provides warmth and traps heat from your body between the two layers.