WARNING SIGNS: What Is the MS Hug?

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Get a massage: If you've been looking for an excuse to get a massage, this is it. A trained therapist may be able to help ease some of the discomfort associated with the condition.

Rest up: Get at least eight hours of sleep each night. Because fatigue and stress are common MS Hug triggers, you need to take care of yourself to alleviate both of those. Getting plenty of sleep can go a long way in making you feel better.

Breathe better: Sure, you breathe unconsciously every day, but take the time to really breathe and feel the healing power of it. Many people say deep breathing techniques, yoga and meditation have great restorative power when it comes to your body and MS Hug symptoms.

Dress comfortably: When your body is feeling restrictive, the last thing you need is to wear too-tight or constricting clothes. Leave your skinny jeans in the closet for now and slip into something more comfortable.