6 Worst-Dressed Celebrities

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Katy Perry

Outlandish outfits and elaborate hairdos are nothing new for female singers, Madonna led the pack back in the 1980s and kept the trend going ever since. But today’s starlets are taking the concert costumes off the stage and onto the red carpet.

Katy Perry decided that her stage wardrobe also belongs in her home closet and her outrageous costumes can be seen as part of her everyday dress. Don’t be shocked to see her in a half tuxedo, half prom dress getup at the 2008 MTV Europe Music Awards, or have a pack of playing cards poking out from her headband at a MySpace celebrity bash.

Lady Gaga

Today’s most iconic fashion-disaster singer, Lady Gaga’s crazy stage costumes may be fashion statements or fashion flops depending on your opinion. From meat dresses to an entire jacket (and headpiece) made from Kermit the Frog puppets - Gaga draws no line when it comes to designating clothing for performance and everyday wear.

Some of her outfits appear as if she decided the dress for the day would be accomplished by covering herself in spray glue and rolling around in the clearance section of her local craft store. Broken disco balls, giant buttons, wires and mesh are all regular parts of her typical outfits.