Travel Toiletries: On-the-Go Must-haves

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Travel-Size Trinkets: Where to Buy

When you're looking for mini-sized versions of your favorite brands, you often need look no further than your grocery store or local pharmacy. Most major grocery chains carry a small selection of the basic needs for travel: shampoo, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste.

If you're looking for a wider variety of brands and items, most Bed, Bath and Beyond stores have a whole section of bins filled with everything from travel-size mouthwash to hand lotions. They also carry empty 3oz. bottles in TSA approved bags to fill with your favorite shampoo if it doesn't come in travel size.

Some travel specialty stores also carry a good stock of portable toiletries, as do airports. However, airports tend to charge much higher prices for the convenience factor, so shopping early at your local stores is often a better choice.

The Bare Necessities

For short business trips that involve just a few nights, 3oz. size shampoos and other items will be perfect for your needs. Many major shampoo brands such as Pantene, Herbal Essences, and Suave produce their original, normal formula shampoos in travel-size bottles. If you use a special formula that you don't want to leave home without, filling your own empty travel bottle packs is your best option.