What to Tip for Beauty Services

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And if you see the salon or spa owner, it's generally the industry standard not to tip her. However, you may want to ask the receptionist before stiffing the owner - some do accept tips. It never hurts to offer a reward for a job well done, so hand over the cash, and if it's not accepted, then that's OK. If you're using a coupon, gift card, Groupon or other discount, then it's customary to tip for the full price of the service, not what you paid. For example, if a manicure costs $20 and you pay with a gift card worth that amount, then you should still tip up to $4 or more, depending on the service. When you're not sure how much to tip, there's an app for that. If you have a smartphone, you can tally the tip with any of the free apps that are out there quickly and easily.