Preserve Your Shade Longer

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Do you get the lip service you're looking for from your favorite pucker color? If not, then there are a few ways to make that perfect kisser last longer. Start by priming your lips and getting them in the best condition you can. The most effective way to do this is to slough off dead skin cells, which lip color can stick to and give a clumpy look. An unconventional but easy way to do that is to stick transparent tape - that's the stuff you use to wrap gifts! - to your bottom lip, then remove gently. Do the same for your top lip. You'll be surprised at how much flaky, dead skin it will take off! Apply a medicated lip balm like Carmex as often as you can remember to do it - in the morning when you wake up, in your car, at the office, and before bed - it will heal and protect lips from the elements and chapping. When you're ready to apply lipstick, go for your favorite long-wearing formula.