Post-Summer Rehab for Your Hair

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After a few months of sun, sand and chlorine, your hair is probably ready for a much-needed rest. Summer takes a toll on hair, drying it out, sapping it of color and making it frizzy and unhealthy. Now that you've put all that summer fun behind you, it's time for an intervention. Start by giving your hair what it wants - moisture. Switch to a hydrating shampoo and conditioner (be sure to use a separate conditioner, not a 2-in-1 formula, so you get plenty of hydration). Seal in moisture with an anti-humectant styling cream, like Frederic Fekkai's. Smooth it through hair to seal in moisture. Humidity saps your hair of moisture, so it helps to replenish it on a daily basis. Go easy on shampoos so that your scalp doesn't dry out.