Love the '80s? You're in Luck

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We're not talking those dowdy polyester things from back in the day. Today's tops have more lush fabrics and understated girly details, like bows and floral prints. Other prints and colors coming back include polka dots, metallics and, yes...neon. But don't drag out that off-the-shoulder sweatshirt yet. Bright touches to otherwise monotonous ensembles are on trend - think bright bangles, bags and scarves. Do dig out that denim jacket - it's back, sans hair band patches, of course. Pair a jean jacket with that tunic and leggings or wear it with fall pants and a crisp white blouse. Lighter washes - think acid wash - is back in for jeans, too. Think big when it comes to hairstyles. Animal-inspired clips and accessories like feathers are hot, and you can even start crimping again if you so desire. Just remember the styling cream - the frizz of the '80s isn't so hot.