How to Get Lush Lashes

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If you're fed up with wimpy lashes or can't seem to perfect your mascara technique to plump those little wisps, then these tips are for you. Adding some serious length and fattening up thin lashes aren't difficult with the right tools and know-how. First, start with clean lashes. Then, decide what formula you prefer. Mascara is made of wax with either water or petroleum as a base - water will evaporate, leaving the wax behind, and petroleum is what's used in waterproof mascaras. It does tend to be stickier and has a higher tendency of clumping, but it's well worth it if you sweat heavily or know you'll be in the water or crying, perhaps at a wedding. Choose the right formula for your needs. If your lashes are naturally short but are thick, then a lengthening mascara is suitable. If they're long but sparse and thin, then you might try a volumizing formula. You'll pay more for a mascara that does more than one job, so keep that in mind when you buy. From there, you'll need to choose a color. Makeup artists agree that black mascara adds length; brown mascara adds thickness. A technique called "minking" can help you get the best of both worlds: Apply brown mascara to lashes and allow to dry.