Get Glowing: How to Perk Up Winter Skin

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Always apply a thick moisturizer after getting out of the shower or bath, and exfoliate when you feel dead skin building up - it'll help that moisturizer soak in better. Perhaps the biggest trouble spot in winter is where skin is thin - the hands. Cuticles can begin to look ragged, and knuckle skin can scrape easily when too dry. Apply a thick moisturizer that's formulated for the skin on your hands whenever you remember and especially after washing. If you must wear wool gloves, avoid irritation by wearing thin cotton gloves underneath. And it may help to apply moisturizer and then wear thin cotton gloves to bed to lock that moisture in. Perhaps you've heard that the more water you drink, the more hydrated your skin will be, but that result varies from person to person. What drinking a lot of water can do, however, is keep your mucus membranes lubricated and better equipped to fight off germs. Either way, you're helping your body and skin function and look its best in the most challenging season.