Feel the Vibration: Do Pulsating Beauty Gadgets Work?

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The same goes for sonic cleaners for your face and other parts - they definitely clean away more gunk and makeup than simply applying cleanser with a washcloth or your fingers. For acne sufferers, getting the face cleaner can help unclog pores and keep the complexion clear. For those with sensitive skin, however, the regular brush head may not be the best option. Some brands claim to reduce the signs of aging, and because they do clean so well, it's possible that wrinkles might be less noticeable. But sonic cleaners are not meant to reduce signs of aging, necessarily. And like toothbrushes, brush heads must be replaced every few months or so. A few variations of the sonic idea include scalp massagers - which may improve circulation, certain scalp conditions and may just plain feel good - but these devices don't necessarily stimulate hair growth. And don't fall for sonic "cellulite removers" - cellulite is simply fat, which can only be reduced with good old diet and exercise.